Swinburne Motorcycling Routes in Kwazulu Natal - The Dualsport Travel Guide & Info Portal - Maps, GPS Data, GPS Tracks Bike Reviews and Product Rviews

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KZN Routes
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Ladysmith - Swinburne - Van Reenen

Route Info:
The landscapes around Montrose, Bezuidenhouts Pass and Van Reenen Pass are stunning and the railway service roads and tunnels top off the adventure. The route is very easy going and is pillion friendly - You can start in Ladysmith or at the Montrose road side rest point.

Point to Point:

Shell Garage at Montrose - Rensburgskop - Melrose - Killiecrankie - Bezuidenhouts Pass - Geluksburg - Rietfontein - Smalhoek - Ladysmith - Watersmeet - Clover Valley - Besters - Mount Maritz - Clove Railway Station - Dark Train Tunnel - Van Reenen - Clifton - Shell Garage at Montrose


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