Valley of a thousand hills Motorcycling Routes in Kwazulu Natal - The Dualsport Travel Guide & Info Portal - Maps, GPS Data, GPS Tracks Bike Reviews and Product Rviews
Valley of a Thousand HillsValley of a Thousand HillsValley of a Thousand Hills
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KZN Routes
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Pietermaritzburg - Durban - Inanda

Route Info: ***Security Warning*** Hella Hella Location - Ride in groups of three or more, be friendly, exercise courtesy, keep a look out for children and animals on the roads.
The Valley of a Thousand Hills
gets its name aptly from the thousands of small hills, along with the thousands hills are thousands of dirt roads - Dualsport heaven but be cautious riding in this area, many children, goats, taxis and other human hazards. Never venture into the valley alone - unless you are very familiar with the area and locals.

Point to Point:

Pietermaritzburg - Ekukanyeni - Mapumulu - Nagle Dam (Umgeni Dam) - Gcumisa - Amatata - Maphephetha - Inanda Dam - Mqhawe Secondary School - Gumede's Store - Wyebank Secondary School - Kloof - Kloof Falls - Waterfall Shopping Centre - Kwa Nquetho Community Hall - Inanda Dam - Mshazi - Stanco - Nogunjwa Secondary School - Enkandla Poultry Farm - Muthi Nursery - Ekukanyeni - Pietermaritzburg.


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