Pietermaritzburg to Bulwer Motorcycling Routes in Kwazulu Natal - The Dualsport Travel Guide & Info Portal - Maps, GPS Data, GPS Tracks Bike Reviews and Product Rviews
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Pietermaritzburg - Bulwer - Durban

Route Info: ***Security Warning*** Hella Hella Location - Ride in groups of three or more, be friendly, exercise courtesy, keep a look out for children and animals on the roads.
The valley surrounding Pietermaritzburg are picturesque although partially coveredwith informal settlements and townships. Hella Hella Pass and the Mkomazi River Valley are well worth the ride
. This route is pillion friendly

Point to Point:

Mayors Walk, Pietermaritzburg - Sweet Waters - Kwamntogotho - Swartkop - Elandskop - Hamilton - Hilly Prospect - Byrne - Rosa Cottage - Beaulieur - Hela Hela Pass - Cairngorm - Eastlyn - Summerford - Good Hope - Crystal Manor - Flaxton - Ixopo - Three Corners - Lockwood - Lockwood Hill - Cartref - Kwantabamsila - Mid Illovo - Eston - Tala Game Reserve - Ashburton - Pietermaritzburg.

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