Kwazulu Natal Midlands and Sani Pass Motorcycling Routes in Kwazulu Natal - The Dualsport Travel Guide & Info Portal - Maps, GPS Data, GPS Tracks Bike Reviews and Product Rviews

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Pietermaritzburg - Sani Pass - Mooiriver

Route Info: *** Warning*** - this is not a beginners route nor pillion friendly, Sani Pass can be extremely slippery with ice, and snow covered in winter months
On this gravel adventure route Its a full 8 and half hours riding from Pietermaritzbur to the Top of Sani Pass. The pass its self is challenging but very do-able. Beginners should travel in groups with experienced riders.

Point to Point:

Pietermaritzburg - Claridge - Otto's Bluff - Bucklands - Veronique - Albert Falls Dam - Mpolweni - Ambleside - York - Besters Hoek - Holbeck - Gilboa Timbers - Talavera - Mbona - Raw - Saddell - Gumtrees - Glen Afton - Robin Hoods Well - Mooi River - Summer Hill - Carshalton - Silwerstroom - Riverside - Reekie Lynn - Dargavel - Pot Luck - Burn Brae - Hill Top - Sani Pass - Sani Top Lodge - Himeville - The Swamp Nature Reserve - Home Rule - Bulwer Mountain Park Hotel - Shabhu - Nkumba - Merrivale - Pietermaritzburg.

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