Adventure Motorcycling Routes along the Lesotho border - The Dualsport Travel Guide & Info Portal - Maps, GPS Data, GPS Tracks Bike Reviews and Product Rviews
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Eastern Cape Routes
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Lady Grey - Rhodes - Sterkspruit

Route Info:
Starting in Lady Grey and traveling through Rhodes and up into Tiffindell Ski Resort may very well be one of the most picturesque rides in the Eastern Cape.
The route is very mountainous, and has several steep gravel passes and small settlements along the road side.

Passport required if you refuel at Alwynskop in Lesotho
***Warning*** Snow and ice in winter, very slippery roads

Point to Point:
Lady Grey
- Joubert's Pass - Grondnek Pass - Kraai River Gorge - Rhodes - Naude's Nek Pass - Tenahead Mountain Reserve - Tiffindell Ski Resort - Glen Lyon - Lundean's Nek Pass - Uper Telle - Telle Bridge Border Control - Fuel stop (Alwynskop) - Dulcies Nek Pass - Sterkspruit - Madakana - Herschel - Lady Grey


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