ladysmith to
Harrismith Motorcycling Routes in Kwazulu Natal - The
Dualsport Travel Guide & Info Portal
- Maps, GPS Data, GPS Tracks Bike Reviews and Product Rviews
Info: The
easy going pillion friendly day route include the spectacular
Colling's Pass and Bezuidenhouts
Pass - linking Ladysmith and Harrismith.
Point to Point:
Ladysmith - Rietfontein - Ngula - Rooikop
- Waterfall - Colling's Pass - Missouri - Santiago - Happy
Home - Beulah Land - Maraishoek - Lincoln - Harrismith
- Marcharl - Kenmore - Bezuidenhouts Pass - Waaihoek -
Geluksburg - Skoonfontein - Glasgow - Arcadia - Ladysmith.
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